I guess I'm suffering from Thalassophobia. It's a phobia, a fear, of sea.
So, I basically like beaches & sands, but deep water & ocean? Ugh. I didn't know how this all started but yes, I really don't enjoy the thoughts of anything that required me being in the middle of the big deep dark blue ocean, even on the surface. I'm able to get on a ship, I could go through on its long hours of voyage, and oddly yeah, I still able to enjoy the sea scenery from above, so I guess it's the content of the sea that scares the shit out of me.
And what exactly are the content of the sea? EVERYTHING. THE SEA HAS EVERYTHING IN IT.
It's the idea that the sea has everything in it. So let me put my condition this way, I don't get scared when I'm on a ship/boat because I'm not making direct contact to the sea itself. But when I play on the beach and I got too far from the coast line, I experienced nausea, anxiety, and some extreme thoughts of dying. I mean, seriously, when you swim a little far from the coast line, and the water height had reached your neckline, have you got any idea what water creatures might be interested clinging to your open flesh? Oh god.

Ugh. Okay bye.